Applying to the program
Applications for Summer 2025 are closed, please check back Fall 2025 for Summer 2026 opportunities
Materials to upload to the application portal link located at the bottom of this page.
(1) Resume/CV: Please include a 1-2 page document which summarizes your educational and work experience. Feel free to include scientific and non-scientific work, activities, hobbies, groups, etc. We are interested in seeing evidence that you are a hard worker and a good community member. An example resume template can be found here.
(2) Transcripts: Transcripts: You don’t need perfect grades to apply (though we’ll be impressed if you have them!). We are interested in seeing evidence that you are serious about learning, that you push yourself, and that you’re not afraid of a challenge. Transcripts should include information for all undergraduate courses you have taken at the time you apply. If you have attended multiple institutions, you can upload one transcript if that transcript lists all transfer credits. If it does not, you should upload a transcript from each institution you have attended.
Unofficial Transcripts are fine, but should include the most current graded semester for your institution.
(3) Writing prompts: Writing prompts: Please answer Essay 1 and Essay 2. Essay 1 should be approximately 800-1000 words. The remaining essays should be approximately 300 words (1 paragraph). Essays 1 and 2 are required; essays 3 and 4 are optional.
Essay 1 (800-1000 words): Why are you thinking of getting a PhD (either on its own, or in conjunction with an MD)? What are you thinking of doing with the degree? This is an opportunity to let us know who you are, where you’re going, and how we can help. How have your experiences doing research and/ or learning in the classroom inspired you to go for a PhD? What motivates you to keep going? Please tell us what you are hoping to get from this summer program, and why this summer is the best time for you to join us.
Essay 2 (limit 300 words): We love biology! We want to know what you love about it, too. Lists of example projects are located (here), and lists of labs in our community are here and here. Please select a lab whose research you are interested in and tell us why. We want to learn about what types of science most interest you. Please note that this does not commit you to working with the chosen lab, or on the specific project. Lab and project availability is subject to change.
Optional Essay 3 (limit 300 words): What is the most important aspect of your life outside of lab? Our cohorts include lots of musicians and dancers, from amateurs to the captain of the university salsa team. Some of our students are really interested in history, or run their university drama club. Some take care of their grandma or loved ones. One writes profiles of women scientists to put on Wikipedia. What are you up to when you’re not in lab? Why is it important to you? Does it make it harder to be a scientist or does it make it easier?
Optional Essay 4 (limit 300 words): If there is an important aspect of your personal background or identity not addressed elsewhere in the application that may illuminate how you could contribute to the internship program and that you would like to share with the Committee, we invite you to do so here. Examples might include significant challenges in access to education, unusual socioeconomic factors, or other aspects of your personal or family background to place your prior academic achievements in context or provide further information about your motivation for a career in science or the perspectives you might bring to the scientific community.
(4) Two Recommendations: We need recommendations from 2 different people who are familiar with your work in an academic or research setting. We are especially interested in learning about your aptitude for research, so we strongly encourage you to provide one letter from someone who has supervised you in an independent research project. Please ask them ahead of time – everyone is busy and you want them to give you a good letter. Ideally, ask them 1-2 months ahead of time. Then remind them 1 month and also 2 weeks ahead of the deadline. It’s not rude. Just respond to your initial email, thank them again, and ask if they need anything. If you feel comfortable, you can send them your resume and/or your transcript and/or your answers to the prompts above.
Thank you for applying. We look forward to reading your application!
While we welcome different years, majors, and backgrounds, there are 3 hard requirements: candidates must be: (a) US citizens or permanent residents, (b) currently a freshman, sophomore, or junior enrolled full-time in good standing working towards a bachelor's degree at an accredited public or private college or university in the United States or a US territory (students in programs conferring graduate degrees, including combined programs, are not eligible), and (c) 18 years or older by the start of the program (June 9th, 2024)
Application Process
To apply, please prepare the following materials and upload them as PDF files to this portal.
You must use an edu email address (example Maria_smith@harvard.edu)
Instructions for creating an application portal account:
Harvard Students please use your Harvard Key to sign on.
Non- Harvard Students please create an Harvard Key Lite HERE.
This will serve as your log-in to come back to your application if needed.
If you are having any problems with creating your XID account, please contact ithelp@harvard.edu or call the office at 617-495-7777.